Yesterday’s entry covered much of our Bastille Day activities, but omitted the coolest part: The fireworks over the Eiffel Tower. Together with our friends, the OsBopps, who are also visiting Paris, we went to the park (Champ de Mars) in front of the Tower and watched from the middle of Place Joffre (street). The pictures do not do it justice:
With hundreds of thousands of people trying to return home at the same time, the metro was impossible. So we walked the 2+ miles back to our apartments.
Today, we reconvened at 9:15 for a pretty full day of activities that included a visit to Atelier des Lumieres — a really cool, part-projection/part-animation of the works of Van Gogh, in a former foundry that has been converted to an open space.
Kevin “bunny ears” Osburn
There was also a exhibit on Japanese art, which (notwithstanding years living in Japan) doesn’t really appeal to me all that much… that said, the animation effect of the art was really cool in this installation:
After the art exhibit, we visited Pere Lachaise Cemetery (where Jim Morrison is buried), walked along the Paris version of the High Line (precursor to NYC’s High Line), and visited Sacre Ceour cathedral.
Family Bastard David: As my buddy, Kevin, and I walked through the cemetery, he commented on how cool it would be to be buried here… at that very moment, we came across the burial plot/grave below (last photo of group), which seemed comically to be a place held specifically for me “Family Bastard David” — I guess this is where I’m meant to finally rest!
Paris High Line: Its called something else here, but I cannot recall the name at the moment…
This is one of many similar views from the high line
Sacre Coeur (Sacred Heart): I’ve been to Paris three times in the past 8 years and each time I end up visiting Sacre Coeur. We opted for an evening viewing, which was fantastic in the final hour before sunset. Though it is a beautiful cathedral, it is really the views of the City that captivate me. Sadly, Zoe was a bit under the weather and so wasn’t up for the outing this evening.

Man, I love this City! If only it were a more affordable place to live/visit, it would be perfect.